Chili Relleno Diary entry no. 2

The subject of chili relleno burritos came up last week, when Angeliska and I were discussing the blessed stuffed pepper. I knew I’d eaten one somewhere, but couldn’t remember where. Heading into Roswell proper a couple days ago It hit me.

Burrito Express!

Place: Burrito Express, Roswell NM

Variety: burrrrrito (con frijoles)!

An ideal lunch on the go. The pepper was hot enough to make its presence known but didn’t overwhelm the cheese or beans. If these were available back home I’d be in trouble; as it is, I’m going back for more next week. Side (dish) note – I ordered fries to eat on the drive back to camp and they were great. I may have lucked out, but hot and crisp crinkle cuts are unicorn rare in my experience.

chile relleno burrito

chile relleno burrito, babys!