Really rockin’ in Mimbres

Maisie and I went for a walk after setting camp this morning (in the same site Lotte and I used when we bicycled through). When we got to the trailhead there was this:

Faded explanatory sign


 Current Research

 A red paint pigment known as hematite appears to have been used throughout the Spirit Canyon pictograph site. Finger smudge and brush techniques represent several painting styles that is [sic] present at the site. Research indicates three prominent styles of Apache pictographs are present. Apache Style 1 has one arm/hand up and one arm/hand down. Apache Style 2 has oversized hands and elaborate headdresses. Apache Style 3 has both hands/arms up and the torso has rings around it (emphasizing clothing and/or jingles). Mountain Spirit masks aid in determining if it attributed [sic] to Chiricahuas and Mescaleros and/or associated to the Western Apaches.

Up the canyon we went and it was beautiful! A typical canyon wall:

Spirit Canyon

And then there were the pictographs! I’ve tweaked some of the following shots to make them ‘read’ better – the unmanipulated verions are on Flickr, too.

A wall.



Style 1

petroglyph Style 1 manip


Style 3

petroglyph Style 3 manip


And I don’t know what this is but it is amazing. My first thought was sea scorpion 😀 .



More as I learn more. Speaking of which, I learned the difference between petroglyphs (picked, scratched or incised) and pictographs (painted on surface) today! A good day!!