You may need to diagram this next sentence; I’ll triple check to make sure it’s accurate. This past weekend, I accompanied my good friend E to her old roomie and since-forever friend J’s wedding – already a little odd because J was marrying someone I work with (neither I nor my coworker knew about the link until 2 months ago – I hadn’t seen J in 25 years) – only to find that my ex-wife S’s college roommate and noted nature writer (who I’ve wanted to meet forever) was the mistress of ceremonies. E, J, and NNW are friends! Also – not the same schools. E, J and I (me) -> UNH; S and NNW -> Syracuse.
A great wedding, too. Wonderful people, good food, and writer husband of NNW told me one of the best strange-but-true stories ever.
NNW is off to western Mongolia/Altai to investigate Snow Leopards; I’m prepping a care package of Eagle Dreams and Women of the Gobi
for her. Steve – she sends her best!
Sy Montgomery, really? Here’s another for you. We have the same agent. 🙂
Stories John– stories!