From San Bartolo to Dookie in 1 move

This is just an ‘ooh, shiny’ post inspired by Darren Naish at TetZoo. By far the most popular photos in my Flickrstream are those of Heather Hurst’s amazing scientific illustrations of the San Bartolo murals. In this section, the young lord offers a turkey (on the right) and his blood – based on the tail feathers and location, I’m calling that an Ocellated Turkey.

San Bartolo mural - the king's journey

Artwork in this photo is painted by and copyrighted by Heather Hurst 2008.

Central America is full of critters with wonderful odd faces: Ocellated Turkeys, coatis, peccaries, tapirs, etc.


(Hey, is that John McAfee hiding in the bushes? (Belize joke))

And the crux move – we shift turkeys slightly, and via Mr. Naish’s excellent The Other Turkey post:


Which of course leads immediately to one of the finest music vids ever made. The visuals – perfect. And that organ figure kills me every time.

Johnny “King” Vulture out.