Birds ‘n bikes

This looks like an interesting CD for dreamers like me. “I really need to get this, just in case I end up in Siberia in the next year or so!” Yeah, right…


How much do you want to bet that the motorcycle in the picture above is a Ural? I don’t think I could fit 3 dogs, 1 hawk, 1 falcon and a yurt into the sidehack, but who cares? Wishes are free! And a pony!

A bit of suspension trivial – until a few minutes ago, I thought all forks like the ones on the Urals were Earles forks. The great Wikipedian oracle tells me that all Earles forks are leading link forks, but the converse is not true – location of the pivot point is the key criterion.

CD via Birding Mongolia.

One thought on “Birds ‘n bikes

  1. Not that hard to get to Siberia!

    I have seen a Ural with a sidecar in Olgii with an entire family and their shopping, and another with the frame of a ger (yurt) with the felt following camelback.

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