Alan Moore

and Art Spiegelman and Daniell Cllowes appeared on last nights episode of the Simpsons. As fun as that was – and as groovy as the Tintin embedded short was – what nearly made me fall out of my chair was the poster behind the animated Moore in the book-signing scene. It was for the Lost Girls – I guess that’s what critics call transgressive (or not – I’ve never been able to figure that out word litcrit-wise). I’m sure the poster reference is all over the interwebs by now – though a quick google didn’t turn anything up – just wanted to put down a marker. I noticed!

Update – It’ll probably be mere minutes before Youtube pulls the clip down, but in this brief window of opportunity, the scene in question:

3 thoughts on “Alan Moore

  1. Oh my, am I sorry I missed that episode. I’ve been in the comic book industry for a long time and that whole scene just about made me fall out of my chair. Hopefully YouTube won’t yank it too quickly, my husband has to see it first.

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