On the way home yesterday, I was able to swing into one of the most dangerous places north of New York: the New England Mobile Book Fair. It is a near-perfect book store. Things it does not have:
- endcap displays
- DVDs
- a coffee stand/counter (actually, not the worst thing that ever happened to a bookstore, but something that definitely distinguishes NEMBF from a chain)
- glossy formica – except perhaps at the registers
- wheels (it hasn’t been mobile since basically forever)
It does have:
- books, books and more books
- funkadelic shelves
- labyrinthine floor plan (in the remainders area – where I do most of my browsing)
- great clippings, pictures and signs on the walls
A slide show to give you a taste…
Created with Admarket’s flickrSLiDR.
Well, it’s official. You’ve found the thing which will surely be my undoing. I guess I know what I’m doing this weekend… selling a few pints of blood, and then going bookshopping after I wake back up.
It’s a great place. I always get a bit of an adrenaline rush when I’m walking across the parking lot going in – you never know what you’ll stumble over.
Still in Natick (I think) near the radio towers?
Close – I think you reversed sides of 128 for two ‘begins with N’ towns – it’s in Newton (inside 128) – Natick’s outside, in the same just-south-of-the-Pike stretch.
Love them radio towers! Love that dirty water!
Just forgot where the border was exactly– I LIVED in Newton once or actually twice (Auburndale, north by the Turnpike exit.) First wife still lives there– a Buddhist shrink!