Designer Dogs

There’s an interesting article up on the web from the NYT Sunday Magazine: The Modern Kennel Conundrum. It’s an examination of the relatively recent phenomenon of designer dogs – puggles, labradoodles, Sharp Assets (Shar Pei x Basset – holy cr@p!). I’m not going to summarize – as the saying goes, RTWT (hopefully my link works – the Times’ registration system sometimes messes me up) – but I am going to post my reaction.

Part of me says, “Who cares?” I’m interested in dogs that can do a job – bird dogs, sight hounds, and scent hounds/earth dogs. As long as I can find folks that are producing critters that work, I’m OK. Otherwise, it’s a (kinda) free country – knock yourself out. If you don’t like puppy mills – educate people. If you don’t like designer dogs – or the AKC show craziness – keep your money in your pocket.

Another part of me – the part that caused me to start writing this screed – starts in with the head-shaking. It seems to me that what many people really want is a little robot-dog-doll – something that you can turn off when your ‘busy modern lifestyle (TM)’ demands and turn back on when you need the emotional support that dogs are so good at providing. I’m mostly serious here; hypothesis: one of the best things that could happen to dogs is the development of robotics to a point where something like this could provide dog-equivalent emotional support.

Dogs are living things – they are first, last and always, dogs – not children in fur suits. They have been incredibly successful because of their social skills – looking at it from a Selfish Gene perspective, this whole designer thing may be yet another adaptation – but it pains me to see people (mostly Americans) expose themselves as needy, unreflective and basically empty in front of the rest of the planet and any aliens watching our teevee signals.

Wow, that was dyspeptic! Here’s a palate cleanser:

I’ll be interested to see if Patrick (the Terrierman) comments on the article – always good working dog perspective over there.

Saturday AM cleanup

Some loose ends and tid-bits…

Boston vs. the Mooninites. I watched Boston news last night. The Mooninite story was not mentioned. I may have missed it, but it for sure was not one of the leads and was not mentioned in the ‘and next we’ll tell you about’ teasers. I’m shocked! shocked! (internet sarcasm alert) that having been a major player in the effort to make Boston an international laughing-stock, Beantown media is now pretending nothing ever happened. Laterhere’s how to use LEDs!

Iran. Check out today’s Astronomy Picture of the Day – the Alborz Mountains by moonlight. Another place I’d love to visit, but it’s probably not a realistic goal. I try to keep current events/politics off this blog with the exception of security/privacy topics, but I can’t hold back on this one. The signs have been there for a while (see Sy Hersh’s reportage) – it’s looking likely that we (the US) are getting ready for a ‘flight forward’ involving Iran.

What we are witnessing (through rips in the curtain of official secrecy) may be an example of what the Germans call the flucht nach vorne – the “flight forward.” This refers to a situation in which an individual or institution seeks a way out of a crisis by becoming ever more daring and aggressive (or, as the White House propaganda department might put it: “bold”) A familar analogy is the gambler in Vegas, who tries to get out of a hole by doubling down on each successive bet.

Classic historical examples of the flucht nach vornes include Napoleon’s attempt to break the long stalemate with Britain by invading Russia,the decision of the Deep South slaveholding states to secede from the Union after Lincoln’s election, and Milosevic’s bid to create a “greater Serbia” after Yugoslavia fell apart.

We – US citizens – now have 6 years experience to guide us. If we fail to stop the Executive Branch from unleashing military disaster and geopolitical chaos, we have no one to blame but ourselves.

My brush with show-biz. Last fall I searched Flickr with Turfan as my search term – part of the nosing round I did getting ready for my Sphinx post. I came across Kate James’ photostream and enjoyed the heck out of it. A week or so ago, I wandered through again and noticed something about one of the pictures. Click here and read the comments for the story – short version: Penn Jillette mentioned the picture on his Feb. 1 radio show, Kate’s picture is getting lots of views and hopefully her book, Women of the Gobi, is benefiting. My copy is on it’s way from Amazon – I’ll keep you apprised. Also – for those of you who haven’t guessed, my Flickr ID is Don Coyote. It should really be spelled Don Kiyote – it’s a nod to the inhabitants of George Herriman’s version of Coconino County, but I worry sometimes about being too obscure…




Stay tuned.

Boston meets the Mooninites

More evidence that fear does not make people smarter. For folks who are not up on this latest Keystone Kops incident, yesterday the Boston PD, local and state government, and the media went ape after someone reported a suspicious device (one of which is pictured above). Additional devices were found around town – they’d been there for, apparently, three weeks. Look like a bomb to you? Not to me – I’m well past the twenty-something demographic, but I recognized the moon guys instantly. If I wanted to blow something up I might use a NEMA enclosure with some conduit coming out of it to hide my device; a high tech Lite-Brite – not so much.
Now, of course, the powers-that-be are embarrassed and are going to get even – starting with the 2 poor schmucks who put the nefarious devices up. Go ahead, fine ’em for violating a ‘post no bills’ law – write ’em a ticket, but anything more? Come on.
This is, as far as I’m concerned, a kind of Type II error – evaluate the hypothesis as true (OMG, we must treat those things as IEDs) when it is in fact false – the kind of error that is far more likely when dealing with terrorism (because there are so few terrorists and so much random real life going on) than a Type I: ‘that’s nothing to be concerned about’, pause, !boom!. It would seem to me that public safety folks might want to examine why they committed such a large and long mistake and do so in a public way so everyone can learn from the fiasco, rather than concentrating on whuppin’ on a couple of Lite-Brite hangers. I know, I know – I’m living in a fantasy world, but seriously – we need to start holding folks, government and media both, to account. Panic, overreaction and constant fear are no way to run a city, state or nation. In the absence of any real ‘learn from our mistakes’ effort, I suggest mockery.
A little later – Speaking of mockery… My favorite comment:
Seventy-five-hundred-thousand dollars for emergency response services, a cool three-quarters of a million bucks, according to May-yah Mumbles (aka The Honorable T. Menino), and over the course of their busy workday they still only found 10 or 11 of the original 38 “performance pieces”. Of course, most of the missing 20-odd were probably pried loose and are now adorning dorm walls, or eBay auctions. But, yeah, at least one local bloviator (Jon Keller) thinks that the poor schmuck responsible should be punished, “they should throw the thickest book possible at him”, not least because of the “vulgar hand signal” part. Because nothing says “Al Queda Pwned Amurka!!1!” like a frowny icon flipping us the Lite-Brite bird.Pants-Pisher Nation. We should be ashamed of ourselves.
Even later – I just did my little truth-table – if the null hypothesis (presumed state of nature) is ‘no bomb’, I believe I’m OK describing this as a type II error. If I’ve boogered up the type number (I or II), my point remains…