Sterling to Milles to Hedin

Yes, six degrees of separation and all, but this stuff continues to be scary. I was checking Bruce Sterling’s blog this morning; there’s an entry where he mentions that ‘I’m staying at Cranbrook — in this guy’s house‘. ‘This guy’ is Carl Milles, a sculptor I was unfamiliar with but whose work (in 2D and on a computer screen, unfortunately) I like. So, I’m reading the wikipedia entry on Mr. Milles when another name jumps out at me – one of Milles’ sculptures is ‘Sven Hedin on a Camel’. Hedin traveled though Asia and the Mideast; I was reading The Silk Road, Trade, Travel, War And Faith over coffee this morning. Here’s a bit of an image dump inspired by all this.

One of Milles’ sculptures, with work by an artist I was already familiar with (I’m not completely ignorant!) – Dale Chihuly:


Europa and the Bull (aurochs!):


Hedin on a camel (sorta courtesy of the RGS – thus the watermark):


Hedin w/ camel in front of yurt (I’m going somewhere with this, I promise):


Interior of a present day yurt – one way I’m thinking about doing up the interior of the Airstream (when I get it):

8 thoughts on “Sterling to Milles to Hedin

  1. Step 1 – find the ‘stream (I’m working on it, but I want it to be right). Step 2 – get to work. grin

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