Cell phone II


Well, I ended up needing to execute on the cell phone thing earlier than I had originally planned – my current cell started to flake out. My priorities for the new phone were, in order: good phone function (duh!), Bluetooth, decent camera capabilities, and 3G network access. I ended up with a Samsung SGH-A707 – it does what I want it to do. The camera is OK – not great for closeup work (as you can see in the bonus bookshelf blogging shot below), but ok for a quick snap. An excellent extra is that it will record video; I’ve got some footage (can you call it that when it’s a pile of bits?) of my Dendrobates tinctorius that I’m trying to edit so I can post a clip. Unfortunately, iMovie doesn’t seem to want to deal with the camera’s file format – my copy of Final Cut imports it fine, so it looks like I’ve got to get busy climbing the Final Cut learning curve.

The shot at the top of the post is the cell, taken with my junky lo-res digicam. I tried to take it using the cell’s camera, using my cat-like speed (and quantum uncertainty) – unfortunately, I ran into the same problem I experience whenever I try to look at the back of my head by spinning around really quickly. The cell picture is here as a hat tip to Señor Lex10, who posted the graphic goodness I’m using as wallpaper – thanks!

2 thoughts on “Cell phone II

  1. We certainly have some overlap in books! Have you read Orchid Fever by Eric Hansen? International orchid politics and looniness told by a man who’s run guns in southeast Asia and walked across Borneo. Excellent read, and supposedly much better than The Orchid Thief.

  2. I haven’t read it, but it looks great. It’s now on my short list. Thanks! I found The Orchid Thief to be a good but not great read – don’t know what it was, but it just didn’t grab me (it may have been talked up too much before I got my hands on it).

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