Good omen

I’m starting to get ready for a weekend trip the Designer and I are taking to the North American Amphibian Conference. As if to spur me on, peakay posted plates from the ‘Metamorphosibus Insectorum Surinamensium’.

Here’s a detail (the canonical birdeater) from a handcolored plate in an edition he links to – click to see the whole thing.


I’m going to try a little moblogging from the road, but having fun at the conference is the first priority, so it may be Sunday or Monday before things start to appear here or on my Flickrsteam.

Bizarre homonyms of the day

(OK, properly speaking, these are homophones – but way back when, my teachers confused me and homonym is the word that pops up first.)

Au fait and ofay

I heard a reporter on the radio just now describe some Mexican kids as au fait (the story was on the anti-emokid violence in Mexico). For a confusing instant, I heard ofay and the sentence made no sense to me. Then my head reoriented – a grin ensued.

Utricularia nelumbifolia

One of my epiphytic utrics is blooming:


Just opening in the morning light.


The reason for the species name (nelumbifolia).


Utrics (bladderworts) are fascinating plants – adaptable (alpine to tropical, aquatic, terrestrial, epiphytes, lithophytes), active carnivores with beautiful flowers. I have two epiphytes – nelumbifolia and humboldtii. The humboldtii is growing like mad; I’m hoping I can get a large division to trade for another epiphyte I covet – U. jamesoniana (picture of flower here). Here’s the U. humboldtii:


Keep your fingers crossed for me – maybe I can even get a flower out of it…

If I can't have a thoat, this'll do

I know it’s been all over the web, but I don’t care. I’m posting this picture because it’s just so friggin’ amazing:


The Mars Reconaissance Orbiter takes a picture of the Mars Phoenix Lander as the Lander parachutes down. I wish I could find the Arthur C. Clarke quote about 2001 coming true (except for the monolith pieces), but not being noticed because the principal players were/are all robotic.

The Phoenix Lander has a Twitter account – the latest tweet: “Looking forward to moving arm today. Will bend the wrist and flex the elbow. It’s been stowed for 10 months so I’ll move it slowly/gently.” (@marsphoenix)

Two line movie review

It’s proof you don’t need Nazis to make a good Indiana Jones movie.

Colonel-Doctor Irina Spalko = Cate Blanchette = Natasha Fatale = perfect casting FTW.

(Bonus political observation – I don’t know what the Russian Communists are so exercised about. Spalko was my favorite character.)

1950 Ford

An eBay listing (ended) for Steve and the folks at Overland Journal.

1950 Ford 2-Door Coupe

Completely refurbished as a road rally car, inside and out.

***  This car is for rally enthusiasts, collectors, or museums ***
 This car was driven Peking to Paris on the 100th anniversary of the first

Peking to Paris race in 1907. Then driven JFK to Anchorange in 8 days with a

few days off for flying to the USA and clearing Customs.

 The total trip around the world was completed in 49 days.







Via Diego Rodriguez’s excellent Unabashed Gearhead Gnarliness.


Arcologies, Urbmon 116 and protocols

Summary – folks who are designing super-mega-structures are missing the boat. Designing interfaces/protocols to allow pieces of very large structures to link to each other is, as far as I’m concerned, much cooler.


I’ve long been a fan of very large structures – I discovered Paolo Soleri and arcologies via the Whole Earth Catalog many years ago and was fascinated by the scale and organic beauty of many of his designs. Sci fi – generation ships/space habitats and Robert Silverberg’s dystopian The World Inside – helped fan the flames. I’ve been thinking big again – the past couple days have been one of those ‘the internet is telling you something’ experiences.

It (re)started two days ago when Bruce Sterling put up a link to an Inhabitat post: MILE HIGH ULTIMA TOWER: Vertical eco city works like a tree. What struck me – not for the first time – is how static this thing would be. It’s supposed to hold a million people – we’re talking all of Detroit or Birmingham or Adelaide. None of those cities is finished, in the sense that a building can be said to be finished – they’re churning, tearing up/down, growing/shrinking – there’s no point at which the prime contractor turns the keys over to the developer. Does it make sense to think that a million person structure would be a scaled up Petronas Towers?

While I was visiting Inhabitat, I indulged my curiosity a bit – I searched for ‘shipping containers’ – I keep thinking about putting some containers together as (hopefully) very low cost shelter out in the hinterlands someplace (maybe something Bruce Goff-esque – Bavinger or Bob Barns, using containers, phone poles and cable – yes, I’m a hack and a nut). Sniffing around led me to Lot-ek (warning – they’ll resize windows on you and the site is set up in a way that makes linking to specific pages impossible – I recommend you just take a peek at the screen cap below). They’ve not only designed small container based houses; they’ve also put together plans for larger structures.

Lot-ek Train Station

Shipping containers are well defined – sizes, how they fit together – but as far as componentry in a larger structure is concerned, the definition is pretty shallow – no power, water, or other services in or out.

Geoff Manaugh’s (BLDGBLOG) Flickrstream supplied the final thread (he put up this post as I wrote the last para). The idea of floating cities has been, well, floating around for a while – the ultimate pirate utopia. Governance issues aside, seems to me that this could be a fruitful area for work on interface specifications. Just as the internet doesn’t care if you are sitting in front of a Mac, or are telneted into an IBM z-series or are using WebTV (does that still exist?) as long as you comply with relevant RFCs, so too Floatopia-land shouldn’t care what your bobbing pleasure palace looks like as long as it connects to the rest of the structure in a specific way, it’s sized in multiples of X by Y by Z, complies with stability standard 1.1.1, etc. The marine environment is pretty unforgiving – marine architecture isn’t a specific field for nothin’ – but the safety and survivability problems need to be addressed regardless. RFC 1149 meets The Raft from Stephenson’s Snow Crash – let’s float!

The coveted Worf endorsement

Having traveled back in time to the era in which the Star Trek television set of series aired, which is a remarkably frequent occurrence given the impracticality of time travel, I, Lieutenant Worf, from television’s Star Trek-The Next Generation and Star Trek-Deep Space Nine, am now ready to declare who I support in the 2008 Presidential Campaign.

There is honor in peace, pigeon-headed flute man. There are humans, Klingons, and even Democrats who do not see this.

Wonderful stuff! Be sure to read the comments – some of the in-jokes sail right past me, but I found a bunch of laugh-worthy remarks.

Thanks, rstevens.