Follow up and new stuff

I am adding new tags to my posts – starting immediately and as I feel like it, I’ll use Chas’ post typology. I’m going to enhance and extend** a bit:

Type1 – !warning – minimal original content!, other than perhaps an “Ooh, shiny!” from yrs truly.

Type2 – what I did on my summer vacation feat. Deep Thoughts. In other words, things I’m thinking about.

Type3 – eats.

So, the first official type1:

Quite some time ago I posted on the work of Walton Ford. I clicked to the Taschen Books web site yesterday and on the home page? Info about Pancha Tantra, a beautiful bestiary. “Bruegel by way of Borges” indeed – I wish I could afford a copy (n.b. if I could afford a copy, I likely would not be working a “normal” job).


Read this (and the comments). It’s caused me to read some new-to-me Orwell, re-read a bunch of T. S. Eliot and think a little more…

** “enhance and extend” is oftentimes IT-corporatespeak for pervert and make proprietary.

A walk with the dogs

Inspired by the use of flickrSLiDR at Curious Expeditions, I took my camera with me when Dinah, Janey and I headed out for a stroll this morning. Boone stayed home by the wood stove – he’s had a tough couple days (just old age stuff) and neither he nor I were interested in running the oldster into the ground. So, my slide show of dogs ‘n woods:

More LOC Flickr

All Library of Congress photos tagged “newmexico” here.

This is gorgeous – I had to post it:


And these pictures remind me of a favorite movie – Where the Rivers Flow North – though these shots are 14 years after the time portrayed in the film. Put it on your to-see list – Rip Torn and Tantoo Cardinal are fantastic in it. Cardinal especially – her character talks in a way I’ve heard just a couple of times – from really old Quebecois/native woods folk.
Backstage at the girlie show:


The barker:


Bring it! The Library of Congress Flickrstream:





Above: Lewis Tewanima



Via WWdN.

Update – this sounds interesting:


Sir Genille, twelfth Baronet of his line, has had a checkered career. Born a second son of the eleventh Baronet he ran away to set [sea?] in 1883 when 13 years old, later enlisting as a private in the army and fighting in several battles in Egypt, was wounded, captured and escaped. After a sad experience with money lenders in London [!], he hunted big game in Africa, wandered about the Orient and finally turned up in San Francisco. Society made a fuss over him but he disappeared to be found again, this time in Kansas City, as a day laborer. * (warning – pdf)

A variation

“I’m an angry Rhesus brain controlling a titanium body, from the government and I’m here to help.”

I don’t think this was the kind of robot (OK, properly this one’s a cyborg) overlord that Rogers was imagining. Unfortunately, given the way the world works, I think it’s a lot more likely that machine-phase overlords will turn out to be upset simians rather than cool, dispassionate intelligences. And just to clarify – I mean a different species of upset simian…


This should be a lot of fun – and it’s practically in my back yard. Frogs, the Black Jungle greenhouses (carnivorous plants, orchids, various and sundry exotics) and perhaps a good field trip or two. Plans right now are for “camping” at Erving State Forest. There are those who feel that no room service = camping – I’m on the other end of the spectrum. Running water and toilets? Lap ‘o luxury.


Inspired by Xtin (polite way of saying “I’m a copycat”) and menu-wise by Xeni J’s tweets from Guatemala, I decided to document this evening’s eats. On the menu: lamb stew. No recipe – this one is a matter of standing back and throwing appropriate ingredients into the pot and seasoning to taste.

To start – put 4 slices of bacon into a stew pot. Cook the bacon until it’s done to your liking; set it aside to drain. Brown 1 1/2 to 2 lbs. of cubed stew lamb (in 3 – 4 batches) in the bacon grease over high heat. While you’re browning the lamb, eat the bacon. Reduce heat a bit and toss 2 chopped onions and a bunch of garlic into the pot (add oil if you need to – I did). When the onions are done – I went for somewhere between translucent and browning – put the lamb back in.


Get the heat back up a bit and pour a bottle of beer over everything.


Add seasonings and simmer uncovered until you reduce the liquid a bit, then cover. I seasoned with cumin, a tiny bay leaf, a small cinnamon stick and some canned chipotles (with some of the adobo they were canned in thrown in for good measure). I should have used lots of green chiles, but the can of smoked red ones was irresistible.

I usually let the stew rest for an hour or so at this point – a matter of scheduling and doing a little taste mingling. Today was no different. When it’s time to get moving again, dump in 1 or 2 cans of beans. I like small white ones – Great Northerns got the nod today. You can do what you like, but I am not a fan of kidney beans in a dish like this – they’re obtrusive – big, thick skins, too chewy and too much color.


Serve garnished with a handful of cilantro; sour cream and a piece of corn pudding on the side. You could put cheese on top – I’d think queso menonita would work – or cheese on the side with some fry bread. Yum.


While eating, think about milpas, Peckinpah and a shady ramada.


The on-deck circle:


A very bloggy stack. From the top: nos. 2 and 3 recommended by Steve, nos. 4 and 5 by COOP, and number 8 (indirectly somehow – GoodReads?) by RKO’C. The Haraway Reader is cheating – I’ve read a couple essays already – just wanted to amp up the gravitas a bit.

One last pre-primary political post

Something to keep an eye on – there are a lot of independents in NH. We can vote in either primary; you walk in, ask for an R or D ballot, vote and then, if you’d like to revert to undeclared status, swing by a table on your way out to sign a piece of paper renouncing your presumed (assumed?) party affiliation.

John McCain needs independents. He did very well eight years ago, but that’s ancient history. If Barack Obama (and to a lesser degree, John Edwards) can rally independents to his banner, McCain may suffer. There are not a lot of 27-percenter independents – McCain’s willingness to stay in Iraq for a hundred years may not be a selling point – and Obama is enjoying a significant ‘holy sh1t, maybe this guy can do it’ post -IA bounce. On the other hand, McCain is not as hated by the local R establishment as he is, apparently, at a national level, and there is local experience with the Mittster (we saw him before he became a conservative – a conversion that coincided, unsurprisingly, with his decision to run for President).

Update – I didn’t see this till after I posted (I swear!):

If the independents-go-Democratic scenario plays out again in New Hampshire, the Democratic primary winner will almost certainly be Obama. And the winner of a Republican primary cleansed of independents and dominated by the conservative base would not necessarily be John McCain.

end of update

It’s going to be interesting – as long as the little man looking for a balcony (9/11!) continues to get whupped, I’ll be happy. As a thank you to readers who have put up with my ranting – a new fave webcomic: the Perry Bible Fellowship.

Quote of the day

I watch what I do to see what I really believe.
– Sister Helen Prejean *

It’s impossible to get into another person’s head. Why may be interesting, but what is the thing that I can measure and judge. Just sayin’…