Supermarket Soccer Streamers



Dutch Supermarket Albert Heijn is one of the main players in the field of funny orange trumpery. For every 15 euro you spend at the store you receive a ‘Beessie’ mascotte (see photo). But nothing you could do with it till now. Anglers found out it’s very usefull to catch fish. On several websites people are showing their catch with the ‘Beessies’ from the supermarket. – Exploring the Nature caused by People..

Bridgestone Picnica Wagon Trike

If I had 8 bills to spare, I would buy this instanter. The articulated rear end is wicked pissah, though I wonder how long chains would last with a twisting chainline. Also – drum brake(let) and a light bracket that you might be able to mount a dynamo on (and by carefully selecting a front tire with appropriate knobby sidewall, you could enjoy the sound of Dynamo Hum).




Via the bicyclelifestyle goog group.

BRIDGESTONE TRIKE PICNICA WAGON TRICYCLE BICYCLE BIKE – eBay item 350350828293 end time Aug-04-10 08:05:38 PDT.

Close encounters with giant harpy eagle of Venezuela

Click through (below) – doesn’t look like the BBC is allowing embedding. Both videos (the big one at the top and the little one halfway down) are amazing.

“The overwhelming sensation you get when you see these birds in the wild is that you’re not looking at a bird, but at a dinosaur. They have a posture and a visage that is quite menacing,” says Mr Beeley.

BBC – Earth News – Close encounters with giant harpy eagle of Venezuela.

Cherry Crisp

I’m posting this as a memory aid for myself and as info for you, dear reader. I’m getting closer to a really good cherry crisp – this is where I ended up with the last batch of the season’s cherries:

  • Start with this recipe.
  • Double the cherry qty – I used almost 5 cups. Lowball the sugar – fat 3/4 cup to scant 1 cup.
  • Add some almonds to the topping after the butter’s been incorporated (that would be a metric ‘some’, not an English ‘some’).
  • More almonds on top of the topping.
  • 9″ square baking pan.

Orchid Flickrstream Redux

I’ve mentioned Karlboms orchids’ Flickrstream before. It actually turned out to be a pretty popular post – ought to add it to the ‘Greatest Hits’ category – wait, getting off topic here… Some of their recent photographs are so interesting that I’m moved to post them here in addition to favoriting them on Flickr.

Bulbophyllum saltatorium var. albociliatum


Lepanthopsis barahonensis – now that’s micro!


Bulbophyllum dearei


Pleurothallis penelops

The Garden of Eden


“I had a hunting territory in Africa at the bottom of the Olduvai Gorge.”

A month back, I noticed and commented on this BB post. Like other commenters I recognized it from the Life Nature Library (Early Man, to be precise). My primary partner in workcrime has a complete set of the books in his classroom, so I’ve scanned the illustration Mark F referenced and two others I particularly liked. I’m going to leave cleanup and stitching for another day…




A little chest puffery – my original ID of the antelope as a Topi was dead-on. For an interesting post on early human/hyena conflict by Steve Bodio, click here.




Jay Matternes’ web site (he did the work above) is here.

Har Nuur, Mongolia – EOIotD

Har Nuur sits in the Valley of Lakes of western Mongolia. Bordered bymultiple mountain ranges, the Valley of Lakes hosts remnant basins of larger ancient lakes, dune fields, and salt marshes. Har Nuur, like other lakes in the region, is a closed-basin lake fed by precipitation.

My guess is the pH and dissolved mineral content of the lake is pretty dang high – I wonder if anything other than little crustaceans and planktonic life can survive there.

Har Nuur, Mongolia : Image of the Day.


An earlier post from the Earth Observatory Image of the Day (if I had to guess, I’d say that north=down in this one):

Sand Dunes in Har Nuur (Black Lake), Western Mongolia


And for folks who’d like to explore via Google Earth, a Khyargas Nuur placemark.

Shelving the Carnivores

As my Sarracenia collection has expanded, my backyard table’s become covered with mini-bogs. I figured I’d reclaim it, so I threw together a shelf out of salvaged cinderblocks, chimney tile, disk rotor and strapping. Further proof that I am a DFH – swamp yankee subsp. [n.b. – some of the photos below, rather than embiggening when clicked as is our normal practice, will instead link to the main Flickr photo page so you can see attached notes.]



Sarracenia unknown’s hood (maybe Tarnok?)


A side (yard) note – the cherries are ready and the new growth bamboo is leafing out.