The Impossible Project, SX-70 and FMM

A while ago, a friend offered up his old SX-70 for sale. At that point, Polaroid was out of the film business and though there was a lot of interest in keeping the film in production, it wasn’t a sure thing. I figured what the heck, gambled and bought the camera. The gamble paid off – The Impossible Project (the folks who bought the production equipment) just released their first film packs. Not cheap, but not as expensive as some things I’d like to shoot someday.

Manipulated 1

Portrait of FMM, manipulated by her own little self then digitally processed by me.

Old color film that came with the camera.



New film. I like it – and I need to remember that the focusing circle is not centered in an SX-70.


FMM and T-rex.

Taken by her mom (not Polaroid).


Hey, it’s my blog and I’ll post cute small person pictures if I want to!


Like LOLCats were, internet centuries ago, 8-bit is everywhere and it’s fun.

Uploaded by onemoreprod. – Watch original web videos.

After 1:48, all I can think of is ice-nine.



Much the same as 1st video, but with music!


rstevens has been having pixelfun since before everything (this strip is esp. for Sy, the ladies and the cassowary).

Bulls, Bikes, Birds

Via a retweet from @bibliodyssey, an addition to the blogroll – Next Nature. I knew I’d hit paydirt when I saw that the most recent post talked about aurochs and Heck cattle – a topic we’ve visited here previously. On (to the blogroll) you go!


Over at Ride the Machine – one of my favorite two-wheeler blogs – s.a. has posted some great Velocette (not to be confused with velocet – or drencrom) cover art.

I love this one for the aeroplane, the pants (plus-fours? maybe even plus-sixes?) and the mystery of what the heck is going on. Courier? Passenger checking in, as a motorcycle valet rushes in (out of frame)?


The way the ‘L’ and the ‘TT” (Tourist Trophy) are used is wonderful.


On a personal note – I had a wonderful time Tuesday and Wednesday – Noted Nature Writer was in town to do a talk/signing event at a great local indie bookstore. We had a great time discussing birds and frogs and spiders and…

That’s Sy, waaaay back at the table.

Funkasaurus rex

Happy Friday! After surviving an incredibly rainy March here in the Northeastern US, it’s April, supposed to hit 70+ F today and the spring flowers are starting to bloom. Makes me want to dance.

“Frank has a profile on if any of you single ladies out there are into puppet dinosaurs with sweet dance moves.”


Nice bamboo you got there, Frank.

h/t Pop Headwound.

Map Kibera

Kibera in Nairobi, Kenya, widely known as Africa’s largest slum, remains a blank spot on the map. Without basic knowledge of the geography and resources of Kibera it is impossible to have an informed discussion on how to improve the lives of residents. This November [2009], young Kiberans create the first public digital map of their own community.

Map Kibera.

Several Species Of Small Furry Animals Gathered Together In A Cave And Grooving With A Pict

New Written Language of Ancient Scotland Discovered : Discovery News

The ancestors of modern Scottish people left behind mysterious, carved stones that new research has just determined contain the written language of the Picts, an Iron Age society that existed in Scotland from 300 to 843.


Interesting – though it sounds as if not everyone is convinced – go figure.

Sartorial Splendor

It is good to have a friend who works in a thrift shop. Tony Lama tooled, cut out, laced and dyed belt with literally (in the literal sense) MY NAME ON IT. My head literally (in the metaphorical sense >grin<) exploded! The buckle is from my extensive (there is one other – the traditional skull formed from naked ladies w/ integrated bottle opener) collection, via eBay. Growing up in Phoenix, the scorpion in resin was an eight year old’s holy grail; paired with a belt like this – beyond imagining.


The shirt underneath is another score – I’m partial to blue chambray work shirts and it’s tougher and tougher to find non-tarted up examples. Ah, for the days of Madewell work shirts and dungaree – long gone, it appears.  Found this at an outlet store – sold.

A Piece of History

I was at the Clipper Home in Portsmouth recently, interviewing a man who had worked on Goat Island in the Fifties. SL can be lucid; he also has periods of fantasy (according to his family – I’m not so sure). In the course of our conversation, he mentioned that he had a box of papers and office effects from his time at the ‘Bin’. I tried not to get too excited, but he must have seen that I was interested because he offered the box to me on the spot. By happy coincidence, the daughter whose attic the box was stored in was in the room with us – the family likes to make sure there’s a chaperon whenever SL talks to anyone who’s not family or nursing home staff. Even more surprising, the daughter was also willing to give me the box – once my chat with SL was over, I followed the daughter back to her house and we retrieved the box. *

I’ve been helping a small group of local historians set up a web site; they want to get the material they’re gathering and their analysis of it out for all to see. They are focusing their attention on Goat Island out in Little Bay, and especially the Miskatonic University facilities that were there from 1931 until 1962. Last week the head honcho, Mo Labrie, came into possession of some field notebooks and patches from the Second Miskatonic Antarctic Expedition (the ’57/’58 effort that was part of the IGY – not to be confused with the privately backed group that disappeared in 1938). He’s obviously saving some for the project archives, but he’s also asked me to try to sell some off – the Goat Island Project has been funding itself out of the historian’s pockets.

The patch – 3 1/4″ diameter.


The notebook – for size reference, that’s a metric rule on the back cover.


I’m going to keep this easy (I hope) and low-tech. We’re asking $6.50 each for patches and notebooks, plus $2.50 flat shipping for any reasonable number of items. If you want a piece of atomic age Misky history, email me at dr.hypercube-at-gmaildotcom with how many of what kind and I’ll send you back a PayPal invoice. You pay the invoice and hey, presto – off your items will go.