A note on posting styles

If you look at the Monthly: box over in the right margin, you’ll notice that posting frequency has dropped by about 50% for the past 6 months. Some of it has been because I’ve been busy, but another factor has been what I can only describe as dilution. With so many ways of emitting signal – Facebook, Wave and especially Twitter – and some finite number of things to say, my attention has not been focused on posting. I read this entry by Eliza Gauger with interest; I’m not willing to go as far as Bruce Sterling and declare blogging dead, but it has taken a bit of a hit. While I was looking at the bookmarklet Eliza is using, I discovered that there’s similar functionality built into WordPress called Press This. I’ve started using it (‘sproke and the two Lottes were posted via Press This) and am going to mix a lot more Tumblr/Soup-ish quick links into the blog stream. Expect the blog to be – at least until I go off on another tangent – a mix of ‘ooh, shiny’ quickies, stream-of-experience pictures and bog standard pointless ruminations.

Weekend fun

Some snaps from the weekend’s expeditions.

I drove up and down the coast looking for ducks Saturday morning – nothing. The sloughs and puddles inland need to freeze up – then the ducks will get forced to the open water on the marsh. I ended up putting Luz up – 50% on spec, 50% to get some exercise.  She did get a workout, at least.


Then it was off to run the dogs.



Saturday night, we got a few inches of snow (as seen in the post below). One thing snow is good for is obscuring holes in the marsh. Reminder – bring dry socks. I went in up to one hip – luckily, water and not mudfunkslurry.

Augmented Reality: More than Hype? |NHPR|Word of Mouth

I’ve been chipping away at an AR post for weeks with zero progress – the terrain is shifting faster than I can think coherently about it. So – I’m going to post links as I run across them.

One thing is for sure – I want a pair of glasses with:

  • embedded video camera
  • IR dazzler
  • HUD/AR projector arrangement

Wandering around with a cell phone at arms length is a transitional state – I give it 2 years.

Augmented Reality: More than Hype? | New Hampshire Public Radio | Word of Mouth.