A note on posting styles

If you look at the Monthly: box over in the right margin, you’ll notice that posting frequency has dropped by about 50% for the past 6 months. Some of it has been because I’ve been busy, but another factor has been what I can only describe as dilution. With so many ways of emitting signal – Facebook, Wave and especially Twitter – and some finite number of things to say, my attention has not been focused on posting. I read this entry by Eliza Gauger with interest; I’m not willing to go as far as Bruce Sterling and declare blogging dead, but it has taken a bit of a hit. While I was looking at the bookmarklet Eliza is using, I discovered that there’s similar functionality built into WordPress called Press This. I’ve started using it (‘sproke and the two Lottes were posted via Press This) and am going to mix a lot more Tumblr/Soup-ish quick links into the blog stream. Expect the blog to be – at least until I go off on another tangent – a mix of ‘ooh, shiny’ quickies, stream-of-experience pictures and bog standard pointless ruminations.

Weekend fun

Some snaps from the weekend’s expeditions.

I drove up and down the coast looking for ducks Saturday morning – nothing. The sloughs and puddles inland need to freeze up – then the ducks will get forced to the open water on the marsh. I ended up putting Luz up – 50% on spec, 50% to get some exercise.  She did get a workout, at least.


Then it was off to run the dogs.



Saturday night, we got a few inches of snow (as seen in the post below). One thing snow is good for is obscuring holes in the marsh. Reminder – bring dry socks. I went in up to one hip – luckily, water and not mudfunkslurry.

Augmented Reality: More than Hype? |NHPR|Word of Mouth

I’ve been chipping away at an AR post for weeks with zero progress – the terrain is shifting faster than I can think coherently about it. So – I’m going to post links as I run across them.

One thing is for sure – I want a pair of glasses with:

  • embedded video camera
  • IR dazzler
  • HUD/AR projector arrangement

Wandering around with a cell phone at arms length is a transitional state – I give it 2 years.

Augmented Reality: More than Hype? | New Hampshire Public Radio | Word of Mouth.

Winnicut River Dam Removal

On my way back from the salt marsh yesterday morning, I swung past the Winnicut River. I’d been hearing about the dam removal project on the radio and wanted to see what things looked like – the answer is: much changed from the last time I was there.

In 2007, the owners of the Winnicut Dam – the New Hampshire Fish and Game Department – decided to remove the dam after an extensive study determined that its removal would be the best option. It is the last remaining barrier on the mainstem of the Winnicut River and its removal effort, which also includes the installation of a fish passage structure upstream, will open more than 39 miles of upstream habitat for migratory fish such as alewives, blueback herring, and American eel. *

I took some photos (below) – there’s also a webcam and a blog if you’d like to see what things looked like before and during the removal.

Old bridge abutments and the highway above.




One neat thing about projects like this is all the interesting trash that gets revealed.


One for the Russophiles

Via HH’s blog, the Library of Congress’ Prokudin-Gorskii Photographic Record collection. I’ll let Hollister tell the tale:

on the eve of the first world war and the Russian Revolution, photographer Sergei Mikhailovich Prokudin-Gorskii talked Nicholas into backing his plan to capture the Russian Empire on digichrome glass plates. Between 1909-1912, and again in 1915, he completed surveys of eleven regions, traveling in a specially equipped railroad car provided by the Ministry of Transportation.

Well worth searching/browsing for a while; it makes me want to pull out my copy of Arseniev.

I wonder what the graffiti says? Also, looks like a Turkman ak öý or gara öý  – the Central Asian version of the ger – to me.