Busy, busy

I’ve been doing a lot of vivarium work – I plan on posting construction details within a month.


And quite a bit of dog training – Dinah’s retrieve work is coming along.

Additionally some (heterogeneous) reading:

Categorize this, NSA!

In the on deck circle – refreshing my soldering skills (is it true that US English is the only variant not to pronounce the ‘l’?). Component to printed circuit board soldering, that is.

A tiny jewel from Ettore

Via the New Cafe Racer Society, a link to the Bugatti Revue’s post on the T72 engine.



It’s 10.5 cubic centimeters of fury (about the size of a large model airplane engine), but this baby has twin OHCs and is SUPERCHARGED! What an incredibly cool bit of machinery. Click through to the Bugatti Revue for loads more pix.


The only thing I can think of that would make me grin even more broadly would be desmodromic valves… As a side note – I’ll bet the fatness where the crankarms meet the spindle is some sort of freewheel.

Frog room move

I – along with some other local froggers – spent yesterday afternoon helping a friend move his frog room into the garagemahal. Many hands make light work – my mind boggles thinking about his last move – across town, with one other helper.


The cookout afterward was killer and I’m not particularly sore today. Win! Poor SportsDoc – his room is moved, but now he needs to organize/unpack/stow – our guesstimate was 20-30 manhours of fun.

Update – forgot to embed this short video of NH’s State Bird – the Black Fly. ‘Tis the season!

Some local wildflowers

I took the camera along when I ran the dogs this morning and I’m glad I did. Wildflower season is well underway. Unfortunately, we were out before some of the flowers woke up.

Trout Lily – also known as Dogtooth Violet, but I’m of the opinion that anything with trout in the name is a winner (see: Trout Fishing in America, Trout Mask Replica).




Marsh Marigolds


And a slide show of the rest.

Another bassleri update

I was misting the tank a few minutes ago and spotted this guy hopping around the leaf litter. He has to be from the clutch that the male transported back in February – it’s very nice to see the whole thing happening without my involvement. I take it as a sign that I’ve done a decent job with the habitat – yay for world-building!

Three groups of three

Social insects.

  • Six Legs Better – a history of myrmecology.
  • The Superorganism – group-level evo strategies.
  • Slant – social insects, info theory and echoes of Brunner’s great Stand on Zanzibar.



  • Lost Worlds of the Guiana Highlands. Outstanding – geology, history, biology and lots of gorgeous pictures.
  • Climb to the Lost World – I need to read this. Among other things, it may stop me from thinking ‘Ben Nevis’ as soon as I hear Dr. MacInnes’ name (it’s a hell of a thing to be type-cast).
  • The Lost World – the original trip to Maple White Land.


The Ottoman Empire (and the world to its west).

Water sounds

Peepers, Red-winged Blackbirds, Canadas, ducks (Mallards, I think – I lost them in the setting sun), Dinah’s bell and, if you listen closely towards the end, Great Blue Herons.





Hint for those with dogs – turn the volume down. Dinah is pissed that there are birds and a dog wearing her bell here in the office. Now, if she can just figure out where they are (and why she can’t smell them) there’ll be hell to pay.