Wordly Wise

I love this word; I always have and I don’t know why.

defenestration is the act of throwing someone or something out of a window

I’ve always seen it used to mean something like ‘thrown under the bus’ or ‘thrown to the wolves’, often in a political context. Come to find out, the political aspect is extremely important – defenestration (at least originally) refers to an act of dissent/resistance. From Wikipedia’s entry on the two Defenestrations of Prague:

At Prague Castle on May 23, 1618, an assembly of Protestants (led by Count Thurn) tried two Imperial governors, Wilhelm Grav Slavata (1572–1652) and Jaroslav Borzita Graf Von Martinicz (1582–1649), for violating the Letter of Majesty (Right of Freedom of Religion), found them guilty, and threw them, together with their scribe Philip Fabricius, out of the high windows of the Bohemian Chancellery. They landed on a large pile of manure and all survived unharmed.

A great find while poking around learning about the whys and wherefores of todays word – The Defenestrator – a comic book superhero who carries around a window through which he chucks baddies.

My Thirty Years War pseudonym? Baron Defenestratus von Hohenfall (patron of manure piles everywhere)…

The Cold War on a Discworld

Yesterday Charlie Stross did a web release of his novella Missile Gap. It’s well worth a read – Yuri Gargarin, transcendent intelligences and an ekranoplan! Hopefully, it won’t be giving too much away to mention that I’ve had a ‘social insects’ post rattling around in draft form for a month or so – motivated by the sudden hive collapse that’s been affecting honeybees recently.


Update – when pondering discworlds, remember – it’s turtles all the way down!

The Bo Diddley beat

Amy Winehouse’s big hair in the YouTube thang below got me remembering another clip I ran across quite some time ago while looking for Bo Diddley performances. The Originator is my favorite early rock ‘n roller – and he did it all with rhythm (hmmm – a pattern seems to be emerging). This performance has everyone at top form – Bo doing his thing and 3 backup singers (Lady Bo, Duchess and Cookie?), one also on guitar, driving any young men in the audience crazy. Ignore the screaming:

Northbound songbirds

Migratory birds are heading north – the dogs and I flushed a small group of mallards this morning from a vernal pool (vernal lake is more like it) across the street. Two interesting bits of songbird migration info have come over the transom in the past couple days. First, check out this excellent post on songbirds, coffee and the World Bank from the Terrierman (I’m sure many of my visitors also check Patrick’s blog, but if you don’t here’s a reason why you should). Second – via NPR on the drive in this morning – greater noctule bats (Nyctalus lasiopterus) are occupying an unexpected niche – preying on migrating birds as they come north through Europe.

The ability of giant noctules to prey on the wing upon nocturnally migrating passerines appears unique not only among bats but also within the whole animal kingdom. Although carnivorous bats feeding on small-sized vertebrates are not rare, they all live in the Tropics and collect their prey from substrates. The few species of falcons which capture migratory birds along the Mediterranean and African coasts are exclusively diurnal. Finally, owls, as typical night-active predators, never forage in the open space: moving prey is detected from substrates through passive-listening of rustling noises. *

Here’s a link to the paper that is causing the hubbub – right now it looks like the Public Library of Science servers are getting slammed, but when they come back up I’ll likely post an addendum.


From: Figure 1 of Popa-Lisseanu, A. G., Delgado-Huertas, A., Forero, M. G., Rodriguez, A., Arlettaz, R. & Ibanez, C. 2007. Bats’ conquest of a formidable foraging niche: the myriads of nocturnally migrating songbirds. PLoS ONE 2(2): e205.


I first heard this song on the radio about a week and a half ago and almost drove off the road – alternately tapping out the beat on the steering wheel and laughing. The backstory is here on Wikipedia – I also guess from the dates on the wiki entry that this is a whole lot of no news for any readers on the other side of the Atlantic. Three things I love about this – the beat (yeah, I know, simple), the growl in her voice, and the tubular bells/chimes. Amy Winehouse sings Rehab:

Update – live version substituted – BIG hair & BIG voice!
Another update – added the music video version back – I missed the chimes and electrons are cheap (it’s YouTube’s bandwidth).

Photo dump

… or more posts about buildings and food. Some pictures from a trip to Brooklyn my son and I took to attend a new student’s day at Pratt Institute. While in Brooklyn I reconnected with a good friend who I’d fallen out of touch with – we all went out for BBQ and had a good time. I’m sad that E and I haven’t talked in a long time, but very happy that the lull is over.

A couple pictures of what I think counts as the lower end of Park Slope:


I liked the odd brickwork and 60’s vibe on this front:


And some pictures from the Pratt campus. Great late 19th/early 20th century architecture and a ton of interesting outdoor art (who woulda thunk it – art school and all).




There were (and are) people who collected eggs. Not chicken eggs, but eggs from songbirds, raptors, cranes, waterfowl, and they did not collect casually, but voraciously, obsessively. A friend and coworker inherited a collection and he displays it to inform people about the practice and it’s effects. I took a few pictures of a representative sample today.



Shed a tear for Martha, the last of a very gregarious species, as she waited out her time in the Cincinnati zoo almost a hundred years ago. Not her’s, but it is a passenger pigeon’s egg:


I’m prone to wax a little, well, obsessive over bits of nature and outdoor pursuits; I am relieved to report that this mania does absolutely nothing for me, except to make me sad and a little wistful. Others continue the chase – bah!

Light box

Via the Make: blog, I discovered this great post on building a $10 macro photo studio. I liked the idea a lot; I have some gadgets I want to unload via eBay (good pictures help sell) and there are many other things – flowers, shells, bugs, etc. – that I’d like to take decent pictures of. I invested approximately $7, most of which went for a pad of tracing paper, and ended up with:



It may not look like much, but I’ve already used it a couple time and even poorly lit (one compact fluorescent on a gooseneck) it does a surprising job. Stay tuned for a few pictures…

Raptor ID bleg

I just got back in from airing out the dogs in the woods behind my house. We’d gotten about 20 yards deep in the woods (see snow pictures below for an idea of what I’m talking about) when 2 birds flew toward me – moved by the dogs I think – and perched between me and the dogs, who were a ways in front. At first, I thought they were crows (based on their size), but when they perched, I knew that wasn’t the case – typical raptor posture, and the one I had the best view of had his head low and out in front. The sky is overcast and the light is poor, so I didn’t pick up much more than silhouettes. They were calling to each other – one would krek and the other would reply: krek-krek (think of the sound of trees creaking in an otherwise quiet wood). They stayed perched for a heart-stopping 35 seconds or so, then flew off – under the canopy. I know what I think they are, but I’d appreciate a reality check/wishful thinking alert. I know a pair of what-I-hope-they-are nests about a half mile south of the house (though I can never find the current year’s nest). There was some logging last year where they normally nest – maybe they’ve been pushed towards me?

Later – I realize there’s not a lot of data to go on – it’s really the calling that I was curious about – whether that was enough to rule anything out or in.

Duty now for the future

A couple of hilarious visions of the future (or the present, depending on how you look at it).

First, via MeFi, the engineering triumph of the modern age. Ladies and Gentleman, I give you the Alameda-Weehauken Burrito Tunnel.



More practical, and preferable in my book, would be a NYC-Portsmouth (NH) Bánh mì tunnel. All silliness aside, I’m hoping to spend time visiting Babylon-on-the-Hudson in the near future (more than once, I hope) – on the gustatory agenda will be Bánh mì, Korean-style fried chicken and (mythical?) Cuban-Chinese food.

Those of you who have been reading the blog for a while know that Gerry Anderson’s Supermarionation played a big part in my childhood. From Coop via BoingBoing we get this Peter Cook/Dudley Moore sendup of the whole genre: Superthunderstingcar.


The underlying question remains unanswered – where’s my dang flying car (I’d settle for a jet-pack)?


I received a picture today of a couple dart frogs (D. tinctorius Surinam Cobalt) I sold to a local frogger last fall. He was just getting started in the hobby – I’d say he’s off to a very good start. We both think he got a male and a female; males tend to have larger, heart-shaped front toe pads. I’m grinning like a Cheshire cat…
